Reclaiming Discipline
A workshop devoted to regular practice
This is a workshop to explore our relationship to practice. What does practice feel like? What is our current embodied set of possibilities around regular practice? What are the current practices, conscious & unconscious? What are the conditions that make regular practice possible? What gets in the way? What will regular practice offer us? What is the cost of not being in practice? Everyone is invited to attend. Practice can take so many forms: spiritual, mindful, kinesthetic, creative, wellness, or something else! In my experience, what all forms of practice have in common is a cycle of falling away & returning, which can manifest as some form of resistance. Any kind of regular practice is hard by design, because it will change our lives in some way. Participants will be invited to speak from their own experience about practice, its benefits, and what gets in the way. In this way, we will feel for the collective nature of complex relationships to practice. No one is alone in this, even if our practices are engaged in something resembling solitude. It’s my hope that this workshop can be a place to receive the wisdom of each others' lived experience as nourishment for our own efforts. There will be some discussion, some time to free-write, some engagement of somatic practices involving stance & gesture, and some coaching. All participants are at choice with the depth to which they engage. Participants will leave the workshop with: inspiration to practice -- a new perspective on what practice is -- more clarity around how to create conditions for practice to happen -- tools for choosing practices that are aligned with longed-for outcomes. This workshop is in 2 sessions 4 weeks apart. The first session will end with an invitation (or challenge!) to make a commitment to regular practice for 30 days, whatever that means to you in the shape of your life. The second session will focus on what was uncovered by being in that commitment.
Payment & Cancellation
Because of the experiential, conversation-based nature of the workshop, it won't be recorded. Payment is accepted over Venmo @spiralsomatics -- please put the name & date of the workshop in payment notes. Please submit payment when you register for the event. Since there are limited spaces available in the workshop, free cancellation is available up to 48 hours before the workshop starts. Please reach out by email if you'd like to cancel. Thank you!
Contact Details